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Social media: Pros and cons

Welcome to our Social Media Blog


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We are trying to show people how social media can affect people mentel heath and we will be showing you guys the positive of negatives of social media. PLease join us as a community and we will show you how we are helping people with there mental heath and show how to use social media in a positive way.

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This is the problem with kids theses days.


Some pros of social media are that 

-you can stay connected with family and friends, 

-it can get you some quick and easy information, 

-and you can learn easily with social media.


But there can also be cons to social media like

 -anxiety, depression, and other things that go back to the fact that there is a lot of usage

-social media being addicting to teens and adults which could cause problems.

-You can start making yourself feel bad about how you look because of how others look  that are on social media


These are some pros and cons

   Affects of social media

The results revealed that 48.3% of the participants were found to have depression, 22.6% suffered from anxiety, and 19.4% had both. Moreover, more frequent exposure to social media was found to be linked to higher odds of anxiety and 'combined anxiety and depression'20." 


Taking a break 

 It is also ways good to take a break from social because, on our page right above this, we talk about the negatives of social media the reason All of these problems are caused is because of how long you are watching on your phone and devices. Something that you should do is go outside because all people should enjoy the outdoors. Even when you are an adult you should always spend at least 30 min a day. When you are a kid you should not waste your childhood being on socila One more thing that you should do is to read a book, reading a book can be very good for because you can learn at least one thing a day from reading a book.


​neptune navigates(The power of soical media )

neptune navigates(Heathly SM habits)

Commen it (whats not to like)

Come learn about the power of social media and how it affects you and the people around you.



In this arcticle they talk about how SM can cause mental heath issue and it can also hurt a lot of people. SM is not all negative SM can help a lot of people find new friends and to connect to more people. SM can spread awaress about a problem that you have in school or a problem with somebody or a commpany. One thing they explain in this text is that Sm can make people feel left out of the group.

In this article, they talk about different things to do besides going on social media and being here for hours. They state in this article that they suggest that people should go outside instead of going on social media. One more thing that they speak about is that social media can be positive based on how YOU use it and it can be very negative if you are overusing it and being negative.

The article "social media: what's not to like?" shows positive and negative things about social media. Even States "Teens take a sneak peek at the internet every chance they can get" and "In fact, the average US teenager spends almost 9 hours a day on digital devices". Social media sites are important places to socialize and have cultural communications.




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